A Plague Tale: Requiem is an action-adventure game that continues the story of Amicia and Hugo de Rune, set in a dark, plague-ridden medieval world. The game focuses on a rich, emotional narrative that unfolds through cutscenes, dialogues, and environmental storytelling. Players experience the bond between Amicia and Hugo as they face various challenges. Players are encouraged to use stealth to navigate environments. Amicia can crouch, hide in tall grass, and move quietly to avoid detection by enemies, using shadows and cover strategically. The game incorporates a resource management system where players gather materials to craft items such as ammunition for a sling, tools for distraction, and other utilities. This adds a layer of strategy to encounters. In summary, A Plague Tale: Requiem offers a compelling blend of narrative, stealth, resource management, and puzzle-solving within a richly detailed world, focusing on the intricate relationship between its characters and the challenges they face in a harrowing historical setting.
Play as all 4 Turtles characters: Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo.